Rodney R. Korte
Wed, 04 Oct 2000 13:29:40 -0400 (EDT)
On Wed, 04 Oct 2000 11:28:47 +0100, Brian Morrison wrote:
>I was surprised at BSW's latest posting. It appears to be designed to
>tip list members over the edge. If this is what Thomas intended it is a
Actually, probably only a few members of the list. Even if it were
a large portion of the list, that's still a pretty small number in
the big scheme of things.
I'm not arguing that BSW as done everything correctly, blah, blah, blah.
They could've done a lot to diffuse the situation a long time ago.
There is absolutely no doubt about it.
On the other hand, they've been taking a lot of crap, much of it
unjustified, for a long time too. As nearly as I can tell, a lot of
it is from people who really don't have a good grasp on business,
software development, or both.
Consider the request/demand that certain features be added to PMMail/2.
Even though the cost of development is high, and it is extremely unlikely
that BSW could recoupe its losses, some folks still think it should be
done- hey, they'll even pitch in 10 dollars (or one hundred, doesn't
matter. Ever heard the phrase "drop in the bucket"?). This just doesn't
make good business sense. Then there are some who preach about various
parts of the development cycle and how it should all be done, without
ever having experience in any part of it.
So, although I really do think that BSW could've done a lot more
at various points to provide information, I think the end result would
be exactly the same. The people and requests involve dictated it.
It just sucks to be in the minority of those who aren't pleased.
That's life. Hey, at least same version of PMMail that I installed
almost two years ago still runs just as well.
Rodney R. Korte
Phone: 814-863-0817 Fax: 814-863-6239