Repost - pls help. Pm crashing on PGP signed mail
Cristian Secara
Fri, 27 Oct 2000 06:49:18 +0200
On Wed, 25 Oct 2000 16:25:22 -0500 (CDT), John Thompson wrote:
>If you're using OS/2, Rick Walsh's "DragText" utility makes it even
>easier: just highlight text with MB1, grab it with MB2 and drop it into
>the target window. The clipboard doesn't even get involved. I'm not sure
>if there's anything comparable for Windows.
Just done a test under WindowsME: highlight some PMMail text with RMB,
drag'n'drop to Notepad+ with either button; the text copied to
destination, the clipboard content remains unchanged. No external
program used.
Always thank you for the info, I didn't know my system does this thing
Best wishes,