
xavier caballe
Sun, 03 Sep 2000 00:08:26 +0200

>I certainly understand your attitude towards the future of PMMail after
>the string of broken promises and missed deadlines we have all
>witnessed over the past two years.  All I can tell you, however, is
>that my experience with PMView, Peter Nielsen's software, has been

Yes, I'm aware of Peter's abilities --I'm also on the PMView beta mailing list-- and I strongly believe is a good news for 
all of us, since most of the PMMail users are also PMView users.

>Like you, I won't believe it until I see it, but I think the chances
>that we'll see some significant improvements in PMMail are greater now
>than at anytime in the last two years.

Let's hope so... :)

 Out from the barrio, you hear my rhythm from your radio
 You feel the tunning of the world so soft and slow
 Turning you round and round.