Questions for PMMail Tech Support

John Angelico
Wed, 13 Sep 2000 23:40:41 +0900 (EST)

On Wed, 13 Sep 2000 06:39:37 -0400 (EDT), Gregory L. Marx quoted Simon Bowring:

>>HTML email is without any doubt the most badly conceived feature ever 
>>built into any email s/w and was only done by NS and MS as part of their 
>>"arms race" to win the web broswer monopoly wars. It's yet another triumph 
>>of form over function that attempts to win market share by providing
>>waht appears to be a feature with "sex appeal", but actually abandons,
>>misuses and perverts internet standards to the detriment of email 
>>interoperability and therefore to the detriment of all email users.
>>Adding HTML to email clients was an act of ignorance or wanton contempt 
>>for end-users who have every right to expect all half decent email 
>>clients to interwork correctyl.

Simon, SO WELL PUT! 

And Greg... thank you for having a generous attitude in being prepared to re-think your stance - and say so.

I have been for ASCII email forever, and believe that HTML email is like forcing telephones to take TV signals, and 
then demanding that everyone fit video screens to their handsets too.
Dare I say it - the WAP protocol for mobile phones is another example of stupidity on a high! I just wish someone 
would stand up and yell "Bulldust!" at that one also.

Best regards
John Angelico
OS/2 SIG or

PMTagline v1.50 - Copyright, 1996-1997, Stephen Berg and John Angelico
... Never underestimate the power of human stupidity.