Why this phobia to HTML mail?
John Thompson
Thu, 14 Sep 2000 15:38:03 -0500 (CDT)
On Thu, 14 Sep 2000 10:35:38 +0200, xavier caballe wrote:
>I believe that, from BSW point of view --and for PMMail survival--, the fact must be: how much people will use PMMail if we decide to not support HTML
>against how much people will be interested in use PMMail if we offer a decent HTML support. And I strongly believe that not support HTML at all means
>that PMMail will be useful just for a few people --the ones on this list and a few more-- but this won't be enough people to let it survive. Just remember
>the OS/2 case.
>I understand that you don't like HTML mail. Ok, just ask for a switch to disable that option... and everybody will be happy. I don't understand the
>generalized phobia that some people on this list has to this feature: if you don't like, don't use it! That's fine for me. But please let me decide by myself
>if I want to use it.
Although this appears superficially to be a reasonable stance, other
people have pointed out that develping the necessary html rendering engine
could consume development time that might better be spent on enhancements
that are truly relevant to email; ie, IMAP, etc.
As it presently is, you can define a browser to open html material if you
prefer this.
John (john.thompson@attglobal.net)