PMMail/2 and Faxworks
Sat, 30 Sep 2000 16:49:08 -0400 (EDT)
Hash: SHA1
I hope Trevor's in a good mood or that someone else can figure out this problem...
I just recently found a need for fax + e-mail. In my search, I found Trevor's PMM2FAX.CMD file and set things up. Of
course it doesn't work or I wouldn't be here...
I have Faxworks Pro 3.x set up as with the command of:
On the Program page os the Settings page.
I Made the path mods to PMM2FAX and gave it a try. It almost works. It does get the subject and From correct but not
the filename, so it doesn't add the file into the Faxworks log. FxRcv generates an error of invalid file (I believe).
Setting the filter to run in the foreground, I see the path to the correct directory but no filename after it, which is causing
the error.
I'm deffinitely no REX programmer and have played with the cmd file quite a bit but just can't get it to parse out the
filename. It's apparently looking for a "name=" in the e-mail which I don't get when I send myself an e-mail/fax. No
"name=" at all, just the "begin 644" with a filename after it. This is the section that is supposed to parse the filename:
When (Header = "Content-Type:") & (FaxFileName = "") & (Pos('name="',Rest) > 0) &
(Pos('.FAX"',Rest) > 0) then do
/* This is very likely an attachment containing a FAX so... */
Parse var Rest LeadingChars 'name="' FaxFileName '"' TrailingChars
Say FaxFileName
end /* when then do */
I've tried parsing for the "begin 644" and following filename with absolutely no luck. Here's the header and beggining
of my email/fax:
From: "Rich" <>
Reply-To: "Rich" <>
Date: Sat, 30 Sep 2000 12:47:37 -0500
To: "rich" <>
Priority: Normal
X-Mailer: PMMail/2 2.10 For OS/2 Automated Sending
X-Fax: PMFax <-> PMMail/2 2.10
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
Subject: EMAIL FAX
begin 644 $EM00051.FAX
If anyone (Trevor?) can help with this, I'd surely appreciate it!
Practice Random Acts of Kindness and Senseless...Umm...Uhh....
Oh - Heck...I never could remember all that "nice" stuff.
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