[pmmail-list] PMMail/2... other issues
Sat, 07 Apr 2001 14:53:56 +0000
I should say wrt the SMTP problem above, I'm using
PMMail/2 for OS/2 (I trust I'm on the right list).
Two other issues:
1) I'm having a hard time getting batchfiles to
run under MIME associations. I can't remember if
I've ever gotten this working, but -- what I'd
most like to do is use "antiword" to translate
Word files into something else. I've got a
batchfile called "antiword2.cmd" that contains the
start/f e.exe F:\SOUTHSDE\ATTCH\e-z_word\stink.txt
Under MIME associations in PMMail I've created one
called "Word files." Under "Program to execute"
is the fully qualified path/filename; under
"Arguments" is %s. The "Working Directory" is the
location of the batchfile; program type is OS/2
Every time I double click on a *.doc attachment, I
get a popup:
Couldn't start external program.
Please check external program settings and try the
operation again
2) The other is a scary reprise of an old PMMail/2
I was playing around (trying various ways of
getting the antiword batchfile to work) and
suddenly all the messages disappeared from my
inbox folder -- and all the rest of them in the
same account, too. I tried reindexing the folder,
but still it came up empty. I quit PMMail
immediately, and look at the directories via FC/2,
and sure enough, there the messages were.
This seems like some kind of horrible variant of
the more traditional PMMail bug where hundreds of
messages disappear but reappear on reindexing.
But in this case, 1) the folder emptied totally,
and 2) I had to restart before the reindexing
-Ray Tennenbaum
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