[pmmail-list] "All I Want for Christmas/Hanukah/Kwanza..."

Ralph Cohen pmmail-list@blueprintsoftwareworks.com
Sun, 02 Dec 2001 22:57:01 -0500 (EST)

On Sun, 2 Dec 2001 20:11:48 -0500, Kenn Yuill wrote:

>** Reply to message from "Ralph Cohen" <rpcohen@neurotron.com> on Sun, 02 Dec
>2001 18:58:43 -0500 (EST)
>Hello Ralph,
>I am sure that the fellows at PMMail/2 Support agree with you.  I do, which is
>the reason that I am using this mailer.  It displays the small amount of HTML
>e-mail that I get as newsletters so well that I would pay the going rate for
>this type of mailer.  Once BSW releases their OS/2 version with this HTML
>upgrade, I will give it serious consideration as an e-mail program worth buying.

Hi Kenn,

Yep, Polarbar is a nice mailer and it's free, which is why I don't
think that it's asking too much for a commercial product like PMMail/2
to be able to render HTML email.  Between you and me, however, I have
absolutely no faith whatsoever that BSW is making any effort to support
this feature in PMMail/2.  I've asked them directly several times over
the past two years and they have always ignored me.

What's particularly annoying, is that the bluprintsoftworks.com website
continues to make the following false claim about PMMail/2:

 "PMMail recognizes all types of messages and several 
 types of file attachments. It supports both sending and 
 receiving messages in standard ASCII format, as well as 
 the newer HTML format sent by the latest email products."

Of course we all know that's a lot of crap and I asked them about it
over a year ago but it's still there.  It's hard to believe that BSW
and BMT Micro are owned by the same person.


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