[pmmail-list] Thin Exchange Watchdog?
Paul Hodges
Mon, 10 Dec 2001 17:49:50
On Mon, 10 Dec 2001 11:31:18 -0600, Dave Hathaway wrote:
> I am glad this is a non-existent problem, for you. The smug
> satisfaction you feel in your superior position is well earned, I am
> sure.
Nothing to do with being smug (I've only got half the memory you
have, for instance) - you hadn't given us all the information.
Actually, I am surprised that the effect is so bad, as the whole of
memory should be available for little overhead due to the swapping
out of Outlook (which should then stay mostly swapped out, I would
have thought).
This suggests that there is some configuration problem. I would in
the first instance (crosses fingers and hopes that this is Windows
2000, rather than a version not so suitable for development work) use
the task manager to determine the maximum size that the swapfile
reaches, and make sure that it is given at least that amount at boot
up, as you could have serious overhead in handling the swap file if
it has to be enlarged frequently. (If this is not Windows 2000, I am
sure that suitable tools can be found to get the same information.)
Paul Hodges
QBS Software Ltd
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