[pmmail-list] Thin Exchange Watchdog?
Paul Hodges
Tue, 11 Dec 2001 11:50:35
On Mon, 10 Dec 2001 12:34:49 -0600, Dave Hathaway wrote:
> Sorry if I sounded so crabby,
Don't worry - I have days like that, too!
None the less, I am puzzled that Outlook in particular is such a
severe load for you. I have just looked at the memory usage of a few
processes on my system (using Task Manager), with both Outlook2000
and PMMail/2000 open on the desktop and recently clicked:
PMMail.exe 8.4M
Outlook.exe 4.4M
Mapisp32.exe 2.6M
IExplore.exe 2.2M
These figures suggest that using PMMail as suggested would not help
you significantly (I may have missed some vital processes for
Outlook, but no others that look likely are even as big as those
listed). I would follow up the suggestion of using a free/share-ware
POP mailbox monitor. Exchange can be contacted by POP (or even
IMAP), but this option must be permitted by your IT department, so
you could still have a problem!
Paul Hodges
QBS Software Ltd
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