[pmmail-list] Message that crashes PMmail
Paul Hodges
Mon, 17 Dec 2001 11:15:10
On Mon, 17 Dec 2001 16:45:51 +1100, Rod... Whitworth wrote:
> And I tried loading 2.20.2380 and every time I try to leave PMmail
> running (Win2K sp1) it errors out with a popup that says it errored and
> has to close.
IME the normal cause of this is that the line terminating the headers
is not empty, but contains one or more spaces or tabs. I have had a
number of spam messages like this. I think it is strictly invalid
(though I suppose it could just be read as a continuation of the
previous header line that doesn't actually add anything - I need to
go back to the RFC to check whether that is excluded), but of course
PMMail shouldn't crash trying to read it.
I use the remote control to delete any likely spam on the server -
otherwise you will have to use a different client to collect it.
Paul Hodges
QBS Software Ltd
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