[pmmail-list] PMMail/2 Sys3175 Crash
Scott E. Garfinkle
Wed, 26 Dec 2001 20:41:28 -0600
On Sun, 16 Dec 2001 21:02:05 -0600, J Stewart wrote:
>That's a little harsh, Scott.
Yes, but well-deserved.
>There are probably some OS/2 APARs that took a long time to solve and I doubt people accused you of being utterly incapable.
Well, I've been accused of it, essentially; however, at least, in my case, I could demonstrate that I was making an honest effort
to implement a plan that would resolve the reported problem. My comment was due to the complete lack of progress, complete
uninterest in trying, and apparent lack of interest in debugging their traps unless they happened to be reproducible by BSW on their
computers. We used to have people like that on the OS/2 Change Team. I fixed that.
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