[pmmail-list] PMMail/2 Sys3175 Crash
Ralph Cohen
Thu, 27 Dec 2001 03:56:16 -0500 (EST)
On Thu, 27 Dec 2001 02:14:42 -0600, Jim Stewart wrote:
>>>That's a little harsh, Scott.
>>Yes, but well-deserved.
>I just have to laugh out loud at the expectation that $40 for PMMail
>buys you lifetime product support.
This is not a question of lifetime product support. It is a question
of the company meeting its self-imposed obligations to fix and upgrade
its products. Further, numerous users have indicated their willingness
to pay for upgrades.
>And, of course, if the writers of that $40 piece of software fail to
>meet this expectation, by all means, denigrate them on a mailing list.
>How churlish.
This mailing list was specifically set up by the owners of the software
to provide a forum for feedback from customers. There is nothing
churlish about availing oneself of the opportunity to provide that
Ralph Cohen
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