[pmmail-list] Migration to a new Hard Drive
Kenneth Porter
30 Dec 2001 10:57:09 -0800
On Sun, 2001-12-30 at 09:00, Eric Riggert wrote:
> Rebooting pulled up PMMail after a huge delay (6000 messages or so to index,
> I think). All accounts appear to be present. I can fetch from any of the
> accounts successfully. But when I try to send a message, I get a Page Fault
> error and PMMail is shut down. If I try to change the account properties,
> they are editable, but opening them right back up again shows that the
> changes I made did not take.
> I tried pulling over some other configuration looking files from the CD
> archive, but with no improvement, so I won't elaborate.
A common problem when copying from a CD is that the target files are
marked read-only. Check the attributes of your ini files on the new HD
and see if they're read-only. That would keep changes from sticking.
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