[pmmail-list] PMMail on my desktop, files on notebook?
Robert Dahlem
Mon, 05 Feb 2001 08:57:45 +0100
On Sun, 04 Feb 2001 18:19:44 -0500, Andrew Webber wrote:
[PMMail over network]
>After using it some more, I'm finding there's a noticeable delay in
>opening (or previewing) each message. It's rather annoying, and I
>wonder if there's anything I can do to make it faster.
That's because PMMAIL does nearly everything in .\TEMP\ (on the network).
Get yourself a hex editor, open your .EXE and change all occurences of ".
\TEMP\" to "C:\PTM\" (must use same length). You might consider to have a
backup available. :-)
Robert.Dahlem@gmx.net Fax +49-69-432647
Sent using PMMail (http://www.pmmail2000.com) - fast, decent, email
software; far better than Outlook. Try it sometime.
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