[pmmail-list] Stopped
John Swartzentruber
Tue, 06 Feb 2001 13:55:28 -0500
On Tue, 06 Feb 2001 13:40:17 -0500 (EST), Ralph Cohen wrote:
>Yep, and they're making it through, too. I just received two more, 30
>minutes after you posted your message. Are we sure that the problem
>isn't coming from BMT's systems?
It sure looks that way. All of the time stamps are identical between
the messages except for the most recent one from BMT. If BMT received
them all at 9:17 this morning, why are they still coming through?
Received: from mail.bmtmicro.com by bmtmicro.com
with SMTP (MDaemon.v3.5.3.R)
for <jswartz@rica.net>; Tue, 06 Feb 2001 13:40:14 -0500
Received: from femail8.sdc1.sfba.home.com by bmtmicro.com
with SMTP (MDaemon.v3.5.3.R)
for <peter@microdrome.com>; Tue, 06 Feb 2001 09:17:29 -0500
Sadly, it looks like it is going through the entire list in reverse
order and is only up to the P's.
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