[pmmail-list] Download progress meter?
Andreas Ludwig
Sat, 24 Feb 2001 21:15:22 +0100 (MEZ)
On Fri, 23 Feb 2001 10:52:44 -0500, Jimmy S. McCorquodale, Jr. wrote:
>As some of you have noticed in 2.20.2100 the message download progress
>now updates every percent or once each second (whichever is longer),
>and displays in the following manner:
>Would their be any interest in it indicating filesize as well? Such
>12% (34.7Kb/2.5Mb)
Nice. Very nice (as it sometimes takes ages to up/download large
attachments over my slow dial-up connection).
Could some display of ETA (time to go) be added as well, maybe as an
Andreas Ludwig
from the beautiful town of POTSDAM (Germany)
using my good old PC and OS/2 WARP 4 !
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