[pmmail-list] ~Re: Background fetch

Kris Sorem Sr pmmail-list@blueprintsoftwareworks.com
Sun, 25 Feb 2001 00:21:09 -0800 (PST)

On Sat, 24 Feb 2001 14:14:32 -0800, Jerry Whitteridge wrote:

>I have PM mail running with multiple accounts (Me, Wife, Daughter and Son). When an
>account is password protected no back ground fetches take place. Is there some
>setting that prevents the casual entry into the account but still allows automatic
>fetching of new mail for all the accounts.

No. At present, PMMail requires entry of the password for any action on
the account. Unfortunately, PMMail applies the password to /all/ actions
on the account (ie open, fetch, send queued messages) instead of just
opening the account. It would be helpful if PMMail could fetch and send
queued messages into or from a closed password protected account.

Here is what I did to get around this restriction. I setup a non-password
protected account to retrieve the messages bound for the password
protected account. This account has a filter to run a message receive exit
Rexx script to move the message to an SMTP directory that is not in
PMMail's accounts tree structure then perform a true delete on local copy
of message. The password protected account does an SMTP fetch from the
SMTP directory when a password is entered and a fetch is performed. Since
the SMTP directory is not in PMMail's accounts tree structure, it is not
accessable by PMMail for reading the messages.

Since you are running the Windows version and not the OS2 version, I don't
know how you would accomplish the same except to write an equivalent batch
file script or program to duplicate the Rexx script I


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