[pmmail-list] A PMMail Reply bug
Frank Winkler - Sun Germany REOS - Munich
Wed, 28 Feb 2001 15:32:39 +0100 (MET)
>>The resulting CC in the new message is this:
>>"xxxxx@primatech.com, yyy@primatech.com" <xxxxx@primatech.com,
>>This doesn't work. The two addresses should be parsed out and appear
>I'm pretty sure I've seen this as well.
But it works in 2.10.2010 ...
Frank Winkler frank.winkler@germany.sun.com
Sun Microsystems - Remote Admin Center
Sonnenallee 1 Voice +49 89 46008.2755
85551 Heimstetten - Germany Fax +49 89 46008.2740
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