[pmmail-list] 2.2.2030 uploaded

Bruce Francis pmmail-list@blueprintsoftwareworks.com
Fri, 05 Jan 2001 10:21:37 -0500 (EST)

On Fri, 05 Jan 2001 15:12:12, Brian Morrison wrote:

>>Specifically, I would be very happy if I could disable the HTML
>>filter (crashing HTML/java spam messages), along with a couple
>>other nits....
>I think that is listed as fixed on the web pages isn't it? If you have
>a copy of the rogue spam, I suggest you try it :-/

Ummm, I don't have time right now to do the necessary reboot
and cleanup if it hasn't been fixed.  (If Peter thinks it is fixed,
however, I'd be willing to gamble and try it out.)

That's why we need a list of "what's fixed".  I'd suggest the
format used with ZOC, as it is compact but clearly shows
by distinct markings what has been fixed, what is new, etc...

The programmer has a list like this -- just clean it up and
put it into the archive that we download.   Without it we're just
shooting blindfolded trying to guess what's fixed and what's not.
I'll guarantee you that this forum will quickly fill up with messages
that "this isn't working yet" when indeed it hasn't been programmed.

Please, BSW?

Bruce Francis              BFrancis@pobox.com
 For PGP Public key:  email with Subject "BFrancis Public Key"

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