[pmmail-list] Folder icon stuck

Stephen A. Carter pmmail-list@blueprintsoftwareworks.com
Wed, 17 Jan 2001 11:33:25 +0900 (JST)

I'm using PMMail 2.10.2010 for OS/2.

I recently had a crash due to flaky RAM.  I replaced the RAM, and
everything seems to be back to normal except one thing -- the icon
for the Inbox folder stays stuck as a diagonal down-pointing arrow
even when there's no unread mail in any of the Inbox subfolders.

I have a suspicion that there's some flag -- maybe in the *.INI file
for one of the subfolders? -- that isn't being reset.  Is there any
way to fix this?  I have a hex editor, and I'm not afraid to use it.

Stephen A. Carter            High-Tech Information Center Nagoya,
mailto:scarter@hticn.com                                 Nagoya,
http://www.geekynetstuff.com                   PGP key ID: 

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