[pmmail-list] sick of 2.20.2030 - where are the real important features?
Peter Jespersen
Mon, 22 Jan 2001 20:10:01 +0100 (CET)
On Mon, 22 Jan 2001 17:11:28 +0100 (MEZ), Lueko Willms wrote:
> While I think it is nice to have, I don't think that it is so very
>easy to implement.
> The signatures are specific to the account, while the address book
>is common to all accounts.
> So you can't assign one signature in the address book, you need to
>have a relational table for each account to link the signature to be
>used by this account for that recipient. It will be quite difficult
>to adminster this (I have five accounts), less from the programmers
>viewpoint, but for the user, since it would have to be done
Well....if you can tie a signature to an account, then why not
tie one to the adressbook also....
This one should supersede the one tied to the account if more
than one account is adressed.
Then if more than one adressbook is used the default signatiue
should be used.
I know this means that PMMail will have to keep track of which
adressbook the recepient was taken from, and that every account
would need its own database, but it would be a neat feature!
Live long and prosper...
Peter Jespersen, Team OS/2 Denmark
tempus fugit (time flies)
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