[pmmail-list] sick of 2.20.2030 - where are the real important features?

Ken Diehl pmmail-list@blueprintsoftwareworks.com
Tue, 23 Jan 2001 12:36:11 -0500

On Tue, 23 Jan 2001 16:42:35 +0100, Jens Berg wrote:

>IMHO, this is one of the last problems/features to implement, in 
>comparison to the missing IMAP capability, the LDAP support which has 
>never worked, the unbeatable lousy performance when running from a 
>network drive, the PGP problems already discussed here, the 64k message 
>editor limitation, etc.

One man's music is another man's noise as they say.  I wouldn't
disagree with any of the above as being important perhaps more so than
what I would like but none of these is a problem for me.  And that's
the problem in trying to decide which features to put the effort into. 
Like others, I'd like to see all addressed.  The signature feature
would make pmmail close to perfect - for me.  But I may be one of the
few.  If so I can understand why it would not be at the top of the
developers list.  But they will never know unless we speak up.

Subtropical Ken
Hurricane Alley
Wilmington, NC

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