[pmmail-list] eComStation
Sergio Trovarelli
Mon, 29 Jan 2001 04:11:11 +0100 (CET)
On Sun, 28 Jan 2001 17:04:43 -0800 (PST), Phil Kane wrote:
> Has anyone successfllly used the OS/2 versions of PMMail/2 and
> PMInews with eComStation, one of the near-future OS/2 upgrades?
> I only have a few weeks to decide whether this upgrade is for
> me, and those two programs are the workhorses of my operation.
> With thanks for your List or direct replies.
> === PMK ===
> From a Clearing in the Silicon Forest
> Beaverton (Washington County), Oregon
Yes, used latest beta release without problem, still not tested PMinews.
Sergio Trovarelli
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