[pmmail-list] hyperlinks
Robert Dahlem
Sat, 07 Jul 2001 19:18:37 +0200
On Sat, 07 Jul 2001 12:59:34 -0400, David Ondzes wrote:
>Is there a version of pmmail for windows (either new or
>old) that will not lock-up when clicking on a hyperlink in
>a message ? I am currently running 2.10.2010.
Indeed, there is: Press Ctrl-V while looking a this message, watch out
for "X-Mailer:".
There must be something else with your configuration.
Robert.Dahlem@gmx.net Fax +49-69-432647
Sent using PMMail (http://www.pmmail2000.com) - fast, decent, email
software; far better than Outlook. Try it sometime.
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