[pmmail-list] PMMail message archiving <#@$%>
PMMail OS/2 Support
Mon, 16 Jul 2001 15:17:18 -0300
On Mon, 16 Jul 2001 14:13:46 -0400 (EDT), Bruce Francis wrote:
>OK... but, but, but.... the originator seemed pretty certain that the
>magic number was (approx?) 16,000. If this is a "magic" number to
>PMMail/2 then it should be easy to duplicate and to find a specific
Yes, it should be, if it is. However, in the past I have not been
able to duplicate any problems reported to me by replicating any
'magic numbers' of files.
>I can't imagine it being a problem with the OS/2 file system. 16,000
>files really isn't that much (unless you're using FAT), and I would
Agreed. As I said, I don't know.
Trevor Smith
PMMail/2 Technical Support
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