[pmmail-list] newlines in filters?
Lueko Willms
Sun, 29 Jul 2001 12:52:20 +0200 (MES)
On Sun, 29 Jul 2001 05:29:21 -0500, Dave Hathaway wrote:
> > Question on the experts: how can I set the subject line for the
> > outgoing message?
> I like your autoreply. You send both German and English variants?
Yes, both in one text. My website gets visits from around the
world, and there is no real way to tell, what is the primary language
of the visitor.
Actually, the first (and till now, only) Sircamm virus sent to me
came from an address in South Africa (*.za), but from someone who
obviously knows German, since the virus atttached itself to an XLS
file published by a German PC magazine.
> Anyways, can one of your filter actions be to set the subject to what
> you want the reply's subject to be, before sending the canned reply? If
> you set the message's subject first, won't the reply have the same
> subject?
I thought about it, but for testing that I would have to build a
fake virus message since the original one was deleted by the
But when I change the subject of the message being sent, I would
like to refer to the original subject line by an $h.subject$ in the
canned reply, and I'm not sure if this variable would reflect the
original subject of the message being replied to or the subject set
by "SetSubject" filter action.
So, that is on my to do list, testing out what happens if I first
to "Set subject" and then "Send canned reply" or vice versa.
Lüko Willms
/ Lueko.Willms@T-Online.de
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