[pmmail-list] PMMail New Features List
Lynn H. Maxson
Fri, 01 Jun 2001 06:22:31 -0700 (PDT)
Gregory Marx may want to read html messages in native format in
PMMail. I simply want PMMail not to go beserk, forcing me to
reboot, when some "asshole" spam person with an AOL address sends
me an html formatted message. I enjoy the preview option, which
is ascii text only. I do not enjoy when the "marker" hits an AOL
message that causes PMMail to stay active, but minimized and
withdrawn into itself to where I cannot kill the task without
As to the lack of improvements in the OS/2 version, assuming that
in IBM terms it has been stabilized<g>, the issue is one of cost
versus value. The answer lies in reducing BSW's cost in
maintaining (and supporting) the OS/2 product to near zero, which
means having the using community absorb it. In that way its value
(to BSW) actually increases and the OS/2 community can
differentiate itself from Windows. This requires cooperation and
(legally protected) trust between BSW and its OS/2 users. It,
however, allows a win-win situation: BSW makes a profit;we get our
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