[pmmail-list] AKMAIL - ?????
Sven Schumacher
Mon, 04 Jun 2001 14:03:07 +0200
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I am user of PMMAIL since the glorious days of OS/2. Now I use PMMAIL under WIN98 only and lots of my friends also use PMMAIL. Now one of my friends
show me how 'AKMAIL' works. It really looks like PMMAIL and it is smart in some ways I ever wished PMMAIL should be.
I really don't want to switch over, but I think PMMAIL - wich is the original - should give it's very best to get the best again!
1. AKMAIL can optionaly make use of Internetexplorer to view HTML-Mails. PMMAIL can't show all html-mailcontent.
2. The ERROR-log is lots better. I had a problem here and pmmail only told me 'server broke connection' AKMAIL was able to show exactly what happend an
so I could find the error.
3. AKMAIL can use external PGP (like the OS/2 version of PMMAIL can do) This is more flexible.
So BPS: AKMAIL wich is IMHO a clone of PMMAIL is on the way to get better than PMMAIL.
On this list there are lots of people that tell you what PMMAIL really should have. PBS: Do not ignore them because they sometimes may not stay with you. If
there is an other programm much better than PMMAIL in the future - the may take another Program.
regards Sven Schumacher
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