[pmmail-list] TX Text Control

Bruce Francis pmmail-list@blueprintsoftwareworks.com
Tue, 12 Jun 2001 10:58:01 -0400 (EDT)

On Mon, 11 Jun 2001 23:49:17 -0400 (EDT), Gregory L. Marx wrote:

>And according to the company that writes TX there ISN'T an OS2 version ...
>That troubles me terribly ... I wrote BSW what I thought was a very "professional" email asking them 
>to clarify ...
>But it's been days and I haven't heard anything back ...


It bothers me about what you've learned regarding OS/2, but it bothers
me a LOT more that BSW won't answer your email.     :-(

Bruce Francis              BFrancis@pobox.com
 For PGP Public key:  email with Subject "BFrancis Public Key"

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