[pmmail-list] YAFQ
John Drabik
Thu, 01 Mar 2001 07:51:55 -0700 (MST)
On Thu, 01 Mar 2001 00:23:05 -0800 (PST), James L. Vaughn wrote:
>>>I just want be able to get past the top/bottom of a
>>>window while I am dragging to select SOME messages that happen to be outside the top/bottom
>>>without having to stop, then scroll, then to
>>>continue to select, hold down ctrl.
>>He wants the window pane to auto-scroll during a selection process ...
>>currently it does not do this..
>Just highlight a message and use shift+ the up or down arrow.
That doesn't do it. Try this. In the message list, click on the top
message and hold the mouse button down; move the mouse down, and
other messages highlight. But, when you get to the bottom of the
list window, the window contents don't change (the list doesn't
I would really like to have this. Combined with CTRL-LMB, this could
really help you waltz through a pile of messages, selectively
skipping one or more as you go. THAT would be cool.
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