[pmmail-list] ~Re: Signatures - feature request
Rod... Whitworth
Fri, 02 Mar 2001 20:53:08 +1100 (EDT)
On Fri, 02 Mar 2001 00:04:25 -0800 (PST), Kris Sorem Sr wrote:
>On Thu, 01 Mar 2001 13:59:50 +1100 (EDT), Rod... Whitworth wrote:
>>I joined IBM 40 years ago. I've been using electronic mail for quite a few years
>>before the net was invented and it became email and then continued on the
>>Internet. I don't usually trot out my seniority but I don't like being
>>patronised by somebody who probably wasn't born when I started.
>Longevity is due some respect but is not necessarily an indicator of
>knowledge, training, study, or experience. Technology rapidly changes. No
>one can be an expert in all areas. In this forum, it is primarily
>knowledge and experience with PMMail. IMO, patronizing involves prior
>knowledge. The statement was made prior to disclosure of your background.
>I would not have viewed it as patronizing unless it was made after
>disclosure. I hope the statement about seniority was in reference to age
>since there was no disclosure of knowledge or experience with PMMail.
If you are going to jump in on the middle of a thread which you didn't
understand you are only showing your stupidity more openly.
I did not make any claim about anything except experience with
electronic mail in refuting a suggestion that I was new to the internet
or electronic mail.
The original poster showed grace in acceptance of that. You can butt
out with your gratuitous rudeness.
Twit filter on. MYOB.
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