[pmmail-list] System Tray Icon
Brian Morrison
Tue, 06 Mar 2001 15:57:40
On Tue, 06 Mar 2001 10:25:27 -0500, Steven Hollar wrote:
>I can't remember who it was, but someone, (Brain I think), stated that
>bringing up the main window from the system tray by selecting to read
>or create new messages was done to fix a bug?
'Twas me (sic)...
>What was the bug again? And why did the fix have to include bringing
>up the main window?
Not sure what the bug was, but apparently it was due to something to do
with the minimise to tray option. Jimmy?
I did not suffer with this bug.
>Can we get a fix so that the main window doesn't have to be displayed?
>It's very annoying to have to keep minimizing the window after choosing
>to create a new message or read new mail from the RMB of the system
>tray icon.
Absolutely agree. As yet none of the really serious problems I have
with the Win32 version (kernel32.dll crashes) and OS/2 (timed smtp
fetches just stop), nor the PGP integration in both versions, are
fixed. Personally it feels like PMMail is going backwards rather than
forwards, I just hope that something is happening.
Please BSW, is there a comprehensive bug list? What is fixed, what is
being fixed? After six years of using PMMail even my patience is
wearing thin....
Brian Morrison bdm@fenrir.demon.co.uk
do you know how far this has gone?
just how damaged have I become?
'Even Deeper' by Nine Inch Nails
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