[pmmail-list] *wish* list
Guillaume Gay
Sat, 10 Mar 2001 08:37:41 +0100 (CET)
Bonjour Frank,
On 2001-03-09 at 15:03:43, you wrote:
>Instead of spending lots of time and money for other language versions we
>should get the one we have doing what we expect it to do.
I totally agree with you on that. Moreover, despite my features proposals
were listed in no particular order, but you might have noticed the
"language" one was far at the end.
>Right, PMMail is far the best mailer I've ever seen
I don't know if this is THE best. It is a darn good mail client, for sure.
It still need to be a bit polished that's all.
>but the members of this list found a couple of bugs and submitted bunches
>of new feature proposals which have a significantly higher priority.
I think BSW programmers are smart enough to wisely set the priorities.
Does this have to prevent us to post our *wish* list anyway? (;-)
>Though I'm a native German speaker I don't have the slightest interest
>in a German version.
I feel comfortable with english too... But what about other (OS/2 or
Windows) users? For instance: why would Windows users pay for an english
mail client when they can have Eudora or NetScape that speaks in their
language for *free*? The first choice is very often decisive, even if the
product is far from being the best of its category.
I like PMMail, and I'd like it to be used by a lot of users. This could
even allow us to get a *NIX version one day. Who knows? (;-)
I won't bother you with this anymore. This will be my last mail on this
__ | | "Ich bin ein Merliner" (:-)
/ | . | | =(Mail)=> gay@mail.dotcom.fr
/ ______|_|_\_______/_ =======> OS/2 enabled
\__/ | | ======> TeamWarped (RC5/DES cracking effort)
Windows: Just another pane in the glass.
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