[pmmail-list] German, French, Spanish versions (was: Install 2.20.2200)
Henk Hendriks
Sat, 10 Mar 2001 20:07:52 +0100
On Sat, 10 Mar 2001 19:56:06 +0100 (MEZ), Lueko Willms wrote:
>> Any translation of the interface should of course be done by *professionals* to ensure
>> consistency etc.. I would be able to quote a reasonable price if I knew who to contact.
> Professionals in what? I have seen a lot of translations of
>professional _translators_ who knew nothing of the product to be
>described, and those translations are horrible.
Professionals in software translations with a thorough knowledge of e-mail clients (in this
particular case) AND of the language they translate into (= university degree). That is what I
mean by professionals.
HH translations | Evertsenstraat 16 tel: +31 (0)24 3605 442
CE documentation 6512 JM Nijmegen fax: +31 (0)24 3605 485
The Netherlands email: h.hendriks@hhce.nl
web: www.hhce.nl
Software localisation | Technical translations | Technical documentation | Web design
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