[pmmail-list] Fwd: INJOY BROKE - HELP!
Mike Kilroy
Tue, 13 Mar 2001 22:17:21 -0500
Thanks for reply!!!!
I tell it to dial (DOD still works, it sees packets and dials.
Immediately says [opening port] then [dialing] and sits there. does
nothing more.
What is DCD state? I dont recall.
n Tue, 13 Mar 2001 19:11:39 -0800, Kenneth Porter wrote:
>On Tue, 13 Mar 2001 21:58:51 -0500, Mike Kilroy wrote:
>>I had 3 64Mb PC100 memory cards in my WSeB machine; bought a few new
>>128Mb ones, so swapped a 64 for 128 for more memory. Since then I
>>cannot get injoy to dial! help!
>Need more info. What does InJoy do or not do when it fails? Have you
>cranked up the logging to see what fails?
>Any chance your modem settings got whacked? I know that InJoy cares
>about the DCD signal representing the connected state. My old ISDN
>modem defaulted to an odd DCD meaning, and I had to change that to make
>InJoy happy.
>(I haven't run OS/2 in over a year, but I might be able to help "from
>memory". I'm now using a Red Hat box and an always-on SDSL for my
>gateway connection.)
>[If answering a mailing list posting, please don't cc me your reply. I'll take my answer on the list.]
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