[pmmail-list] ~Re: PMMail 2000 Beta Difficulties
Paul Hodges
Mon, 19 Mar 2001 10:07:58
On Sun, 18 Mar 2001 03:23:32 -0800 (PST), Kris Sorem Sr wrote:
> Interesting comment. Your longest uptime would be?
I fear that questions and answers about uptime are only ever
inflammatory in discussions of OSs like this is becoming. Uptime is
a poor measure of the quality of an OS, and a somewhat better measure
of the quality of the setup and usage of the system and the
applications on it.
I am an OS/2 fanatic still, but I do not deny that I have never had
this company's main OS/2 server (max 59 days) run for as long as the
several Windows servers (max 4-5 months) have done - and Netware (max
9 months, and that was only ended to apply a routine patch) has
beaten them both. The only times any of these machines have been
less stable than these figures suggest have been provably caused by
hardware problems (wrong memory specs and such-like).
The two things that kill the OS/2 server are:
(1) the WPS hanging - however careful I am, in the end I do something
that it just can't cope with. I can leave it running for a bit with
no console control, but in the end I have to restart it.
(2) Memory leaks from applications, if I don't notice in time and
restart them. Our mail server, Inet.Mail, has a small leak (which
occurs mainly when there are unresolved addresses in the queue), but
by far the biggest leak is caused by PMMail/2, which is running
continuously to filter messages to a couple of collective users (like
"sales" and "support"). The filtering involves several Rexx scripts,
and I suppose that they or the mechanism for calling them might be
where the problem lies.
Paul Hodges
QBS Software Ltd
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