[pmmail-list] How Do I....
Frank Winkler - Sun Germany REOS - Munich
Mon, 19 Mar 2001 16:35:44 +0100 (MET)
>I haven't tried this, but it /should/ work:
>In the ..\tools\ directory there is a file ADDR.MRU
>which has the address that are most-recently-used and are
>those used for address completion. Create an empty ADDR.MRU
>and make it read-only attrib +r addr.mru so that PMMail
>cannot update it. The program won't find any matches, and there
>won't be any address-completion.
I don't think it'll work cause the completion also affects address book
entries and those ones are not saved in ADDR.MRU.
Frank Winkler frank.winkler@germany.sun.com
Sun Microsystems - Remote Admin Center
Sonnenallee 1 Voice +49 89 46008.2755
85551 Heimstetten - Germany Fax +49 89 46008.2740
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