[pmmail-list] Fileformat folder.bag
Stefan Kirch
Mon, 26 Mar 2001 18:22:35 +0200
On Mon, 26 Mar 2001 17:48:33 +0200 (MEST), Jens Rosenfeld wrote:
>> On Mon, 26 Mar 2001 15:21:05 +0200 (MEST), Jens Rosenfeld wrote:
>> >Hi to all...
>> folder.bag:
>> Field #9: Sender-Name
>> Field #11: Filename of message
>> Field #12: Attachments
>> Perhaps, this helps?!?
>sorry no...
>my mapping
>Delimiter = char (222)
>1 Status
>2 ?
Field #2:
1 - Attachments available
0 - no Attachments
>3 Date
>4 Time
>5 Subject
>6 ReceiverName
>7 ReceiverEmail
>8 SenderName
>9 SenderEmail
No, 6/7 and 8/9 are changed. 9 ist SenderName and 8 ist SenderEMail
(on my system: 2.20.2030)
>10 ?
Size of Attachment
>11 Name of Mail File
>12 ?
Description of the Attachments:
Content-type, Name, Size,...
Just send yourself an email with attachment and compare the boundary and
the content-informations of the message (full message) with the
line in the folder.bag-file.
>13 ?
Size of message-file in bytes
>and what about the folder.ini file....?
>1 FolderName
>2 Unique Number Folder Identifier (example:32700)
>3 Sort Order
>4 arrangement of column headers
>5 ?
>6 icon unread Mail active
>7 icon any Mail active
>8 ?
Don't know. Perhaps somebody else know this. If not, let me
know and I play a little bit with settings and send you the
>> Jappa! This sounds great! When do you expect to publish a first
>> beta-release? What exactly do you want to solve with your tool:
>> only compressing of specific emails, from folders, an automatic
>> way to do that?!?
>easy going..
>first i design the prog..
>than i program it and then i release it..
>I want to compress the mails and mark them in an separate folder as
>the search works furthermore.
>With the gui you can mark and select mails that will be archived or
>In the second step it would work with the command prompt too.. so you can
>hook the pmmail events.
>let's see...
Good luck.
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