[pmmail-list] Fwd: Weirdly garbled message
Bill Hartwell
Mon, 26 Mar 2001 19:41:17 -0700
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The message below was one I sent to a friend at a yahoo.com email
address. The weird thing is that I sent it (according to PMMail) in
plain text, yet what you see below is the condition it was in when
she received it. Any idea why?
I'm using PMMail 2.20.2100 on Win98.
==================BEGIN FORWARDED MESSAGE==================
> ˜
> Heaven
> ˜
> An old man and his dog were walking along a country
> ˜road, enjoying
> the ˜scenery, when it suddenly occurred to the man
> that ˜he was
> actually dead. He ˜remembered dying, and that his
> dog too had been
> dead ˜for many years. He wondered where the road
> would lead them, and
> continued onward.
> After a˜while,˜they came to a high, white stone wall
> along one
> side˜of the˜road. It looked like fine marble. At the
> top of a˜long
> hill a tall white˜arch that gleamed in the sunlight
> broke it. When
> he˜was standing before it,˜he saw a magnificent gate
> in the arch that
> looked like mother of pearl, and˜the street that led
> to the gate
> looked like pure˜gold. He was pleased that˜he had
> finally arrived at
> Heaven, and the man and his dog walked toward the
> gate. As he got
> closer, he saw someone sitting at a˜beautifully
> carved desk off to
> one side.
> When he was˜close enough, he˜called out, "Excuse me,
> but is this
> Heaven?"
> "Yes, it˜is, sir," the man˜answered.
> "Wow! Would you happen to have some˜water?" the man
> asked.
> "Of˜course, sir. Come right in, and I'll have some
> ice˜water brought
> right˜up." The˜gatekeeper gestured to his rear, and
> the huge
> gate˜began to open.
> "I assume˜my friend can come in?" the man asked,
> gesturing˜toward
> his˜dog.
> But the reply was "I'm sorry, sir, but we
> don't˜accept pets."
> The man˜thought about it then thanked the
> gatekeeper, turned˜back
> toward˜the road, and continued in the direction he
> had been˜going.
> After another˜long walk, he reached the top of
> another long hill,˜and
> he˜came to a dirt road that led through a farm
> gate.˜There was no
> fence,˜and it looked as if the gate had never been
> closed,˜as grass
> had grown up˜around it. As he approached the gate,
> he saw a man˜just
> inside, sitting˜in the shade of a tree in a rickety
> old chair,
> reading a book.
> "Excuse me!"˜he called to the reader. "Do you have
> any water?"
> ˜"Certainly, There's a pump˜over there," the man
> said, pointing to a
> place˜that couldn't be seen from outside the gate.
> "Come on˜in and
> make yourself at˜home."
> "How about my friend here?" the traveler˜gestured to
> the dog.
> "He's˜welcome too, and there's a bowl by the pump,"
> he˜said.
> They walked through˜the gate and, sure enough, there
> was
> an˜old-fashioned˜hand pump with a dipper hanging on
> it and a
> bowl˜next to it on the ground.˜The man filled the
> bowl for his dog;
> he then took a˜long drink himself.
> When both were satisfied, he and the dog walked
> back˜toward the man,
> who was˜sitting under the tree waiting for them, and
> asked,˜"What do
> you call this˜place?"
> "This is Heaven," was the answer.
> "Well,˜that's confusing," the˜traveler said. "It
> certainly doesn't
> look like˜Heaven, and there's another man down the
> road who˜said that
> place was˜Heaven."
> "Oh, you mean the place with the gold˜street and
> pearly gates?"
> ˜"Yes, it was beautiful."
> "Nope. That's Hell."
> "Doesn't it offend you for them to use the name
> of˜Heaven like that?"
> "No. I˜can see how you might think so, but it
> actually˜saves us a lot
> of˜time.˜They screen out the people who are willing
> to leave˜their
> best friends˜behind."
===================END FORWARDED MESSAGE===================
- --
Homepage: http://www.macmanusnet.net
Fanfiction: http://crystal.macmanusnet.net
Random thought for the day: "...It is thus necessary that the individual should finally come to
realize that his own ego is of no importance is of mind comparison
with the existence of his nation; that the position of the individual
ego is conditioned solely by the interests of the nation as a
whole... that above all the unity of a nation's spirit and will are
worth far more than the freedom of the spirit and will of an
individual..." "This state, which subordinates the interests of the
ego to the conservation of the community, is really the first premise
for every truly human culture...The basic attitude from which such
activity arises, we call - to distinguish it from egoism and
selfishness - idealism. By this we understand only the individual's
capacity to make sacrifices for the community, for his fellow men."
- -Adolf Hitler
Version: PGPsdk version 1.7.1 (C) 1997-1999 Network Associates, Inc. and its affiliated companies.
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