[pmmail-list] Need X-Command in header?

Lueko Willms pmmail-list@blueprintsoftwareworks.com
Sat, 05 May 2001 06:22:35 +0200 (MES)

On Fri, 04 May 2001 18:15:42 -0400, Rich wrote:

> I can't find anything that 
> will allow a header entry in PMMail?
> If I missed something, please let me know!

   This is from PMMAIL Help on "ICSL", Chapter "Predefined


   $h.headerline$  Fill in headerline with     F  C  P  
                   any line in the header.              
                   If it is available in the            
                   header, it will be                   
                   inserted just as it                  
                   appears in the e-mail                

Lüko Willms 
/ Lueko.Willms@T-Online.de 

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