[pmmail-list] Disable sound in filter?
Stefan Kirch
Thu, 17 May 2001 11:22:04 +0200
On Thu, 17 May 2001 10:22:03 +0200 (CDT), Winfried Tilanus wrote:
>On Thu, 17 May 2001 09:37:16 +0200, Stefan Kirch wrote:
>>But: shouldn't be there another more smart way to do that?
>How do you exactly recognise mail that is not 'just-for-info'? For _me_
>the following criterium works fine:
>"not from a mailinglist (filtered away by my list-filters) AND from
>somebody that is in my addresbook OR addressed to me personally"
>The last part might be filtered by the following (complex) filter:
>h.to="winfried.t@inter.nl.net" | h.fromid="$ab$"
>action: play sound
>But, ofcourse, I do not know what mail should trigger your sound or
With "more smart way", I thought of something like having an action
in the filter-settings with e.g. "Stop further handling of this email"
or "play a sound <nofilename>" overwrites the account-play-a-sound
So, everything, which is not filtered leads to play the sound, and
emails, which were handled by the special-filters, don't!
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