[pmmail-list] Help ...

Frank Winkler - Sun Germany REOS - Munich pmmail-list@blueprintsoftwareworks.com
Fri, 9 Nov 2001 09:17:39 +0100 (MET)

 >2) Change PMMail settings to delete mail on server as they are
 >retrieved.  This also fixes it.  This implies the problem is somewhere
 >in the "leave mail on server" code, I think.

That sounds unlikely to me as 'leave mail on server' should just omit 
the DELETE command among the identical rest ...


Frank Winkler                             frank.winkler@germany.sun.com
Sun Microsystems - Remote Admin Center
Sonnenallee 1                                   Voice +49 89 46008.2755
85551 Heimstetten - Germany                       Fax +49 89 46008.2740

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