[pmmail-list] Feature request
Frank Winkler @home
Sun, 18 Nov 2001 12:58:18 +0100 (CET)
On Sun, 18 Nov 2001 11:36:56 +0100 (MEZ), Lueko Willms wrote:
>> You can. Open the address book, then drag into the fields as many
>> addresses as you wish.
> I think that Frank Winkler was talking about something else, namely
>selecting more than one entry in the actual recipients list in the
>message compose window, so that he can move them via the context menu
>(secondary mouse button) from the TO: to the CC: field or the other
>way round. Currently only one entry can be moved at one time, and
>with a long list, this might become tedious.
That's exactly what I wanted to say and now that you mentioned it, I don't need
to repeat it myself :) ...
Frank Winkler frank@consol.de
ConSol GmbH
Franziskanerstr. 38 Voice +49 89 45841.275
81669 Munich - Germany Fax +49 89 45841.189
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