[pmmail-list] Mail Filter for User Group

W. J. Myles pmmail-list@blueprintsoftwareworks.com
Tue, 27 Nov 2001 14:52:16 -0500 (EST)

On Tue, 27 Nov 2001 18:14:56 +0100 (CET), Winfried Tilanus wrote:

>If you call this book "spam" it is:
>(look in the help at ICSL Help and ICSL Variables)
>But often the from adress is used only once or twice by spammers. I
>don't like adding the address over and over again. So I do it the other
>way around: If the mail doesn't have your e-mail adress in the to field
>(most spam doesn't) and if it isn't from someone you know, then chances
>are big it is spam. So my spam-filter looks like:
>!(h.fromid="$ab$" | h.to="winfried.t@inter.nl.net" |
>Only occasional some spam gets through (I might add some extra checks
>on exclamation marks, html, etc soon)
>Best wishes,

I check for mail addressed to me and anything else ends up in my spam
folder.  Unfortunately that means that mail addressed to a mail list
also gets caught since it doesn't have my email address.  To get
around this I filter for spam near the end of my filters so that
everything else gets moved into other folders before reaching it. 
Only a very few actual spam messages get past and into the inbox.  

header.X-Distribution="Bulk" |


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