[pmmail-list] Remote Control Problem...RC Only Reads 100 Messages
Frank Winkler - Sun Germany REOS - Munich
Thu, 29 Nov 2001 16:19:07 +0100 (MET)
> When I use remote control, remote control only reports on the
>first 100 messages. If I have more than 100 messages, everything from
>101 on is ignored. If I delete say 5 messages and then refresh the
>list, I get 5 new messages, totalling to 100.
> Is there a setting that controls this? I would like access to
>all email messages.
You're using the Win version ... I don't have this problem with OS/2.
But there are numerous issues which I reported to SouthSoft and BSW ages
ago ...
Frank Winkler frank.winkler@germany.sun.com
Sun Microsystems - Remote Admin Center
Sonnenallee 1 Voice +49 89 46008.2755
85551 Heimstetten - Germany Fax +49 89 46008.2740
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