[pmmail-list] Substitute Text Editor
Kenn Yuill
Thu, 11 Oct 2001 22:11:40 -0400 (EDT)
I'm trying out the 2380 demo. and any editor that I have tried (Kon,
EPM or FlexEdit) to edit a message externally works without incident
but changes to the message are not saved after the first successful
edition. I'll have to try deleting any previous files, TEMP.BOD &
TEMP.HDR in the TEMP folder, before trying to edit a second time during
one session of PMM.
If this behaviour is a limitation of the demo. version, I missed any
reference to it.
The only possible contributing factor is that the system is set to
use Z:\TEMP, a RAM Disk, as a temporary directory, whereas PMMail uses
its the \PMMAIL\TEMP directory.
Any help is appreciated.
On Thu, 11 Oct 2001 13:38:28 -0400 (EDT), Carl Gehr wrote:
Likewise, I have used EPM on PMMail/2 for OS/2 with no problems. Now,
I do not use the external editor as the DEFAULT. I use it by hitting
the icon for the External Editor whenever I want it.
Have those who are having a problem tried both the 'default' and the
'on-request' approach? Does it make a difference?
On Thu, 11 Oct 2001 09:26:41 -0700 (PDT), Phil Kane wrote:
> I've been using an external text editor (The Semware Editor) with
> PMMail (OS/2 and Windows) for many years and have never had
> using it for both reading and composing messages.
Always act as if life is a joyous journey.
Kenn Yuill Warp 4.0/FP10 Java 1.18
PMMail/2 2.1 Demo. Opera 3.6 (Win-OS/2)
The Beautiful Ottawa Valley, Ontario, Canada
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