[pmmail-list] Substitute Text Editor
Carl Gehr
Fri, 12 Oct 2001 03:47:11 -0400 (EDT)
Here's what I just did:
While reading your message in the PMMail/2 window, I. . .
1) Hit REPLY with your entire message highlighted so it would be
included as quoted text in this reply.
2) Added these lines which you see here.
3) I am now going to use the third icon on this 'New Message' window to
invoke the EPM Editor... After which I will:
a) Delete the 'the' that you wanted out.
b) Remove all the '>' characters that are used to
mark the quoted text and replace them with '#'
c) Save the file [icon in EPM]
d) When it returns to this 'New Message' window
I will send the resulting message as it is.
[Note: I also have an EXT6.BOD already in the
PMMAIL/TEMP directory. But, I also have a file,
EXT7.BOD from another currently open "New Message"
reply to another message that I have not completed
You will receive the resulting message, whatever it looks like.
On Fri, 12 Oct 2001 03:19:40 -0400 (EDT), Kenn Yuill wrote:
#I opened your message to remove the redundancy in my response, which
#was the "the" in "its the \PMMAIL\TEMP directory". As you can see
#below, there was no change, using the FlexEdit editor from FileStar/2.
#Outside of PMMail/2, this editor works very well. I should mention
#that this editor is set in PMMail/2 to read text/plain files with the
#working directory as \PMMAIL\TEMP, if this makes any difference, which
#it shouldn't, IMHO. At the moment, there are 2 files in \PMMAIL\TEMP,
#namely, EXT6.BOD at 0 bytes, created by PMMail for this message and
#TEMP.bak from FlexEdit, created after my previous attempt to edit your
#I'm at FP 10 and there are no attributes connected to this TEMP
#directory, which was a problem with one of the Fixpaks in disallowing
#the system to write to a directory, IIRC. FlexEdit has no problems
#writing to any directory, with TEMP.bak being proof of this fact.
#I'm at a loss. If I shut down PMMail/2 and restart it, after running
#another program, I can edit only one message. Weird!
#On Fri, 12 Oct 2001 02:27:38 -0400 (EDT), Carl Gehr wrote:
#Try this:
# * Open the message window with the text you
# want to change.
# * Switch to the Text Editor.
# * Make all the changes you want.
# * SAVE the file.
# * Exit the Editor.
#You will then return to the PMMail editor with the changed text
#replacing the text that was there when you switched to the Text
#This is the process I use on a regular basis with EPM as the external
#Good luck.
#On Thu, 11 Oct 2001 22:11:40 -0400 (EDT), Kenn Yuill wrote:
## I'm trying out the 2380 demo. and any editor that I have tried
##EPM or FlexEdit) to edit a message externally works without incident
##but changes to the message are not saved after the first successful
##edition. I'll have to try deleting any previous files, TEMP.BOD &
##TEMP.HDR in the TEMP folder, before trying to edit a second time
##one session of PMM.
##If this behaviour is a limitation of the demo. version, I missed any
##reference to it.
## The only possible contributing factor is that the system is set to
##use Z:\TEMP, a RAM Disk, as a temporary directory, whereas PMMail
##its \PMMAIL\TEMP directory.
##Any help is appreciated.
#- pmmail-list - The PMMail Dicussion List ---------------------------
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# __________________________________________________________
# Always act as if life is a joyous journey.
# Kenn Yuill Warp 4.0/FP10 Java 1.18
# PMMail/2 2.1 Demo. Opera 3.6 (Win-OS/2)
# The Beautiful Ottawa Valley, Ontario, Canada
# __________________________________________________________
# - A Thought for Today -
#All men dream, but not equally: Those who dream by night in the dusty
#recesses of their minds wake in the day to find it was vanity: but
#dreamers of the day are dangerous men, for they may act their dreams
#open eyes, to make it possible.
# - T.E. Lawrence, The Seven Pillars of Wisdom
# [quoted by Joe Simpson in Touching the
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