[pmmail-list] Mutiple Attachments
PMMail OS/2 Support
Wed, 05 Sep 2001 10:48:10 -0300
On Wed, 05 Sep 2001 07:57:12 +0200 (MES), Lueko Willms wrote:
> OTOH, while one should be very strict with a standard on the
>sending side, on the receiving side, one should be very permissive
>with the standards and allow for a lot of strange behaviour.
In theory, I think it is unfair to expect a mail client to be "very
permissive" on the receiving end. Or, at least I think it would be
unfair if people started calling things 'bugs' if they weren't as
permissive of broken standards as they wanted them to be.
However, in practice, I think you're advice is probably the best I've
ever seen. Ideally we should be very permissive in receiving. That's
just my opinion though so please don't interpret it as a promise that
BSW is going to do or not do anything specific.
Trevor Smith
PMMail/2 Technical Support
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