[pmmail-list] BUG REPORT ON RE_INDEX function

Stanley Sidlov pmmail-list@blueprintsoftwareworks.com
Tue, 04 Sep 2001 10:48:49 -0400 (EDT)

I am going to try to report this as a bug, although it appears to me, that other people have already reported it. 

I have an email account, one of many, using PMMail/2 v2.202380 for OS/2

There are 38 child folders under the INBOX. 

 There is also a tree of 7 folders at the ROOT  or account level. Reindexing the primary branch of this user specified tree works only for the 
session, it doesn't hold the reindexed information past the shutdown. Today, it reports that there are 2517 messages in the root of that tree, 
when reindexed. There are 2525 objects in the directory for that root, all of which are *.MSG files.  Should there not be 2525 messages?  And 
why doesn't it hold the reindexed information past the session?

The first subfolder of the tree has 808 messages,  the next 2218, the next 0, but it should have 7-9K as it is an archive which I will restore from 
a backup. The next child folder with 3 msg files (also missing files) has two subfolders,   8636, 3153 messages in each.

This is a very annoying problem, not being able to use the root of this tree without reindexing it each time. 


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